
We (Jon and Elara) are delighted to bring this one-of-a-kind Bioenergetics Year Long Training for the first time to the UK. This is one of less than five yearlong Bioenergetics trainings worldwide.

If you are curious about bioenergetics but don’t want to commit to a year long training, you are welcome to try the first block which is standalone.

How we embody and express our energy makes our psyche and our patterns of reactions to life visible. We hold in our bodies the energy we dared not express when we were vulnerable children, both as a tension in the muscles and as a charge of energy in the organs and connective tissue. This fixed form of expression and defence is called our character. It is our social, adapted self, and blocks and represses our spontaneous flow of life energy, our wildness, including large amounts of our sexuality and creativity.

***What is Bioenergetics?***

Bioenergetics is not to be confused with the body of work that comes from biochemistry but comes from Wilhelm Reich and the therapy developed by his students.  This body of work not only includes bioenergetics itself but also Bioenergetic Analysis (Alexander Lowen), Biodynamic Psychology and Massage (Gerda Boyesen) Ron Kurtz (Hakomi) and Biosynthesis (David Boadella), Radix Therapy (Charles Kelly), Stanley Keleman (Formative Psychology) and the work of Leonard Orr, Arthur Janov and Stanislav Grof also draws upon it.

This training will cover both theoretical and practical grounding in the work of Reich and his followers.

Bioenergetics in general seeks to release old trauma, habits, and unconscious defensive attitudes and to liberate our life energy for aliveness, pleasure and for self-actualization. It seeks to change the base of our existence from an attitude based on fear and the unconsciousness to a mindfulness of our choices and an ability to express ourselves from our heart, our sex and our spirit. This training includes:

  • An analysis of our own character and patterns, which we respect as a necessity for survival
  • An understanding of the biographical causes of any stuckness and limitations
  • Strategies for managing trauma and fear
  • Supporting individuals to find freedom of expression and creativity as autonomous human beings

More specifically Bioenergetics is a self-exploration through becoming aware of tensions in your body. These tensions are created by the energies of past formative experience which are imprinted on your body.  These create your character, the person you became under the influence of your parents and your society.  By becoming aware of this we can release the tension and free up our energy to choose life in each moment. Thus, we are able to free up a huge amount of energy for our aliveness, our creativity, our pleasure and joy in life to create our conscious path and fulfil our dreams.

The ability to read the energy and character of others and know how to support their energy will also be taught.  As such, it is an invaluable training both for oneself and as a professional resource for those working energetically with others.

Themes for this training are: 

  • Primal therapy, birth and intrauterine experiences and imprints that affect our lifetime patterns of energy.
  • Understanding the patterns and needs of one’s character type
  • Moving from dependency to independence
  • Being aware of your feelings and expressing them appropriately and communicatively
  • Knowing what you want and what you don’t want and communicating that safely and respectfully
  • Assertiveness
  • Raising your energy levels, being more alive, aware, sensitive to life.
  • Grounding and standing on your own feet
  • Increasing the flexibility of one’s attitudes
  • Flowing with life instead struggling against it
  • Opening to aliveness and pleasure
  • Being able to be present and to stay in contact

We will support you to gain an understanding of: 

  • The phenomenon of resistance and how to use and work through it.
  • How to work energetically and physically with projection, both positive and negative.
  • The different kinds of touch, their intent and applications: holding, containing, focussing, making conscious, confronting, soothing, mothering and fathering, supporting, grounding.
  • The emotional plague, repression and rebellion.
  • Armouring and core energetics, energy and character.
  • Imprints, memoire corporelle (cellular memory), regression, Janov and Grof.
  • The relationship between consciousness and energy, catharsis, demons, creative confrontation, witness consciousness.
  • The importance of breath, Reichian and other breathing techniques.
  • The orgasm reflex, the birth reflex.
  • Character analysis – the character types and their use in therapy.
  • Therapy and spirituality.
  • Techniques to raise energy, bioenergetic stress positions, Osho meditations.
  • Grounding and its importance, both through the feet and through the eyes.
  • The segments and their order of opening.
  • The contribution to the field of Reich‘s students including: Alexander Lowen, Ron Kurtz and Hakomi, David Boadella and Biosynthesis, Gerda Boysen and family and Biodynamics.
  • Self-regulation, the inner wisdom and balance of the body

***Who is this Training For?***

It is open for people who wish to explore their own patterns of holding and be able to release this energy and live fuller and more expansive life.  Feeling more alive, creative and deepening their pleasure and joy in life.

It may also be useful for those who have some experience in verbal therapies and want to explore particular themes through bodywork, or who want to deepen their experience of themselves through the methods of bioenergetics.  It is also designed for therapists, therapeutic masseurs and counsellors who wish to include working with the physical body and the energy body in their repertoire of therapeutic methods and interventions.


Nejbližší akce - Bioenergetika:

Rok 2023:


BIOENERGETIKA s Jonem G a Elarou- Začátek ročního výcviku (1. blok)

07.09.-10.09.2023 Roční výcvik I

BIOENERGETIKA s Jonem G a Elarou- Začátek ročního výcviku (2. blok)

02.11.-05.11.2023 pokračování

Rok 2024:


BIOENERGETIKA s Jonem G a Elarou- Začátek ročního výcviku (3. blok)

08.02.-11.02.2024 pokračování

BIOENERGETIKA s Jonem G a Elarou- Začátek ročního výcviku (4. blok)

09.05.-12.05.2024 pokračování